Thursday, October 4, 2012

Your World Turned Upside Down - Coldplay

Psalm 30:5
...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.

 I know what you're thinking...
"This song is possibly the oddest Coldplay song I've ever heard!?!?  The music is strange and the lyrics seem to make no sense whatsoever."

Hold on now...remember the artist......

I'm sure you would agree that the only line that has any clarity is the line..."your world turned upside down."

The purpose is to reveal that....when your world is turned upside down...very little makes any sense!!!

Has this happened to you..... YET?
It everyone. Its part of life on planet earth.
It could be a divorce that has ripped your world apart; a death of someone that you thought would be with you forever; or an event that has brought all your hopes and aspirations to a screeching halt.

Life altering events such as these occur in our lives and at first leave a gaping hole in our heart; which seems to be without cure; and without hope; until God comes to our rescue.

Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength,  an ever-present help in trouble

This is one of my all time favorite verses. After reading this...who wouldn't want to have God on their side? The reality of things is that this is a broken world in which we live. The expectation of what the world is capable of shoveling our way is unimaginable. 

There's one thing I do know for certain.....its not what tomorrow holds...but in knowing who holds your hand.

An upside down world is no match for a Savior who calms the raging seas and said, "be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." 

Pray for today's daily bread. 
Tomorrow is of no concern. 
Help me...and meet my need.

Whatever you do don't miss the next three ChristLines

Check out this video on YouTube:


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